>>>when teaching the basing 3 stitches (half/CT;whole/cloth/CTC; double
half/CTCT), which is the easier route to go, when it comes to teaching
half and double half?  Ie which one is easier to learn first?  <<<

So many people are intimidated by half stitch, that I'd save it for last.
It's so easy to lose your place in it, and some people go a very long time
before overcoming their fear of it.  Cloth stitch (CTC) is so easy to
understand because you can see the weaving (both during each stitch, and
after tensioning).  I'd teach this one either first or second, and
double/whole (CTCT) either first or second.

If you're teaching just the stitch to make a "bandage", I'd probably teach
CTC, then CTCT, then CT.  For a child, you can start with something like
Springett's snake in whichever stitch you like.  I prefer to start adults on
something that looks at least a little lacy, and there are patterns for
all-whole (CTCT).

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