Jeri wrote: A carefully-considered plan will help. How about this one?

Year one.
Target young person at convention. Laugh at her jokes. Ask about her 
children. Provide advice about how to obtain lace supplies. Ask young person to write 
up convention report for local newsletter. Praise her for her prose and 
computer skills. Suggest she edit newsletter.
Year two
Call young person frequently on the phone asking her how she is and offering 
lace advice. If necessary visit her at home to assist her through difficult 
talley. Listen sympathetically to any marital or job complaints.  If she appears 
lonely and wants friends suggest the hearty commaraderie of putting on a lace 
day as the antidote. Every vulnerability can be exploited into free labor for 
the lace group.
Year three
Present young person with specially inscribed bobbin at annual banquet in 
congratulations for her work on the newsletter. Follow up with phone call to 
propose she become secretary.
Year four
The young person will be refining her lace goals at this point. It is an 
excellent moment to suggest that the way she could achieve them would be to become 
program chairman and design every program to suit her personal needs.
Year five
This is the year to drop the net and make her vice president. Any 
protestations that she doesn't have enough time must be met with tearful assertions 
only she has the efficiency to make the group fulfill its full potential. It 
might also be good to lay the groundwork for her to quit her job by assuring 
her that she owes it to her husband and children.
Year six.
If all has gone well, it is time to move her into the presidency. If the 
husband is balking, it is time to suggest that she needs to "do something for 
Year seven
When she tries to withdraw from the presidency, tell her that the group will 
disband if she doesn't remain, as no one else will be president. 

                                         :-) :-) :-) :-)


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