I was attempting to photograph some lace with my new digital camera
specifically bought for lace photography- can get within 1.3 inch. My problem was that
my shadow keeps marring the picture as I bend over the lace. How do others
deal with this?

The great thing about digitals is that you can experiment for free. I have a couple of suggestions:

- Try putting a second light to one side, so that its light rakes across the lace and any shadow it casts isn't anywhere near your lace. (A raking light to one side also helps define the lace as the shadows cast by the threads are more apparent)

- If your camera has a timer, take the picture with the timer and stand back. Of course, this requires that your camera be sitting on something - I usually make do with sitting it on the edge of a pile of books when I go that close, but there are little short tripods that are specifically designed for macro photography (if you buy one of these, make sure your camera can be screwed onto it).

North Vancouver, BC
(west coast of Canada)

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