What about 'Lace Express'? Very glossy, with a variety of types of lace from
all over the world from well-known designers. Much of the lace is fairly
simple, but photographed spectacularly so it can make a simple torchon mat
look really sumptuous. Some of the designs are shown with variations in
stitches. Apart from the introduction in English, German, French, Dutch and
Danish, there's almost no text - just pjotographs of lace and full-size

It's expensive (62 euros, 43 pounds 40 pence) for 4 issues  (April, July,
October and January) and available through either Germany or Canada. Web

 Canada - www.laceexpress.com
Germany - www.laceexpress.de

My only criticism is that during the summer months (don't know why only
then) I have to open the envelope and put the magazine outside in he air for
about an air to dissipate the fumes from the printing ink to avoid getting
'high'. :-)

Usual disclaimers.

Jean in Poole

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