Hello everybody. I've been lurking for a few months now, but Noelene's posting
about gimps has stirred me to contribute. (I'm leaving the question of the
lace police alone - that could take all day!)

If I understand the description (I'm definitely a diagram rather than a words
person), the technique Noelene used was described by Brigita Fuhrman in her
book as "twined gimp'. She notes "Twined gimp is very rarely used in Western
Europe, but is a favourite in Russia and Eastern Europe. The twined gimp
consists of a full pair of bobbins wound with thread as thick as or slightly
thicker than the rest of the threads. Very often the gimp is of a different
color than the rest of the lace". and there are diagrams, photo and pricking
for a sample.

Since I've been off on somewhat of a tangent of late charting bird figures in
Russian Torchon lace from photographs in the books I have available, I went
back to the photographs with a magnifier and can confirm that Torchon style
lace made in Russia often used twined gimp rather than that simple gimp that
is more familiar to us. One of the patterns, which has several figures
outlined in a different colour each, also has a geometrical edge with 2
different coloured threads used.
Using heavier threads for a twined gimp gives some really interesting effects
as well - it seems to be how some of the laces that look more like embroidery
are worked.

In my search for birds in Russian Torchon lace, could I ask if any of you can
help me out. As well a Brigita Fuhrmann's book, I have access to the following
Davydoff "La Dentelle Russe" (from Digital Archives)
Yefimove and Belogorskaya "Russian Lace and Embrodiery"
Aurora Art Publishers "Russian Bobbin Lace"
Ketshemaikina and Dehnel "Kloppelspitzen aus Wologda"
Sorokina "Spitzen von Russland. Wologdaer Kloopelspitze" (my newest, some
overlap with the Aurora Art book, but delicious, if pretty picture books are
your thing)
I know there is at least one more out there - I have a stray photocopy of a
photocopy from my local lace group's collection that I haven't found the
source of yet. The caption is in Russian.

Christine Johnson (ex-Sydney and Newcastle, now living in beautiful Perth -
the best kept secret in AUstralia).

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