In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sue Babbs
>Inside the back cover we could list all contributors to the project, from
>design ideas, to drawings, to lace, to construction etc

This could cause problems at judging stage - where work normally has no
reference on it whatsoever as to who the maker was!

My only reservation so far is that the winners in the recent past have
kept their work fairly simple and uncomplicated - and this seems to be
neither, there is a lot going on in it, and that may be a negative
rather than a positive.

Going for maximum size may be the way to fit all of the ideas in, but if
the same happened again as this time with gallery space being at a
premium, it may work against it.

When initially reading through Tamara's logistics, I was thinking seven
separate panels, taking up wall space; what about joining them together
at both sides to make a heptagonal carousel - then I read the book bit.
I am right that 70cm is very approximately 30 inches? (My brain isn't
too good at this time on a Monday morning and I cannot envisage
centimetre measurements easily at any time of day!) That would give a
widest spread of about 5 feet plus an allowance for the centre rod -
rather gallery space hogging, maybe?
Jane Partridge

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