We have a new arachne, Jill Harward, who just happened to win the John Bull 
Trophy with the "Hydra".

We were talking on Saturday at the awards ceremony at Coventry, and she let 
slip that she has finally joined having been listening to me going on about all 
the things I find out about here.  But she also said she is just lurking as 
she doesn't know what to post about.

The Myth and Mystery Exhibition was very good, but it was so crowded (because 
of the awards) that even my partner said we'll have to go back and have 
another look.  It was good to meet other arachnes; Brenda Paternoster and Ann Day 
were there but I also met Jane Partridge for the first time and Sue Babbs from 
the States.  Unfortunately her little book and its stand (right in the front 
of a big display case, Murphy's law in action) had fallen over and was not 
showing it's most flattering side.  They are going to try to rescue it.

Jill and I both agreed that we would not want to be judges, there seems to be 
a very fine line between those that won a medal and those that didn't.  There 
were several pieces I was impressed by; Janice Blair's Phoenix and the big 
Ann Dyer wall hanging come to mind as I write this.

Richard had taken his own camera and when I looked through the photos he'd 
taken, there were several of pieces that I didn't remember seeing - is it just 
that they look different when they are in isolation on a photo or did I really 
miss them.

Back to reality, and to work on some UFOs which include my first flower from 
Rosemary Shepherd's book and a Kortelahti paper string picture, both worked 
and just waiting to be stiffened, a Beds edging and some Torchon designs nearly 
ready to work.  I also have two bits of coloured Milanese in progress, but 
they are resting so don't count as UFOs!  


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