Christine J wrote:
>...And, only last night, I tied off some samples I made for Pat Milne's
>invisible joins workshop in ?about 1992...

Pity you weren't a bit closer to Melbourne, Christine, you could have
joined our group yesterday and Saturday at the Ashburton Community Centre
in Melbourne and got another lesson!! We had a great 2 days workshop with
Pat on invisible joins and torchon for T-shirts. She has amazing talents
for thinking of alternative ways of doing a piece. One piece of torchon
can be become 6 different looking ones, just by changing colours, the
direction of the coloured threads, and the number of bobbins in each
I spent a very happy 2 days playing around with 2 different patterns (so
now I've got to finish both!), thanks to block pillows which let you
remove one pattern while still pinned down to one block, and replace that
block by an empty one for the next pattern.
I'm looking forward to our next meeting to buy some coloured threads to
try out different patterns again.
I didn't do the invisible joins, as I had also done a class wirth Pat some
years ago, at one of the Tasmanian AGMs, I think. It's great, but I try to
avoid pieces that need to be joined as much as I can, I find that with my
bad eyesight, I can never see the threads, and I keep digging into them
instead of between them.
Pat also showed us the beautiful Bucks hankerchief borders she's been
making from the Luton lace book. So gorgeous! We hope she'll come back
soon to give us a workshop in Bucks so we can try some of them.
Waiting impatiently for your book, Pat!! I hope you publish one soon!!

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne.

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