Hello Margaret -

I believe that you're referring to Mrs. Beryl Maw who recently published a
pattern pack for the design, "A Snowy Spring Day in My Garden".  It is a
beautiful design, and well worth finding.

I was able to get a copy through the assistance of a friend in UK who was
willing to accept my payment through PayPal and go to the trouble of
mailing it to me.  It is my understanding that Mrs. Maw is selling the pack
directly, but does not have a computer, so cannot take PayPal.  I would
expect that given the demand for this pack, vendors will be stocking it. 
My recommendation is that you contact your favorite vendor and see if they
can get it for you.

Not long ago, the person who sent my copy to me wrote this to the list...

"Suggestions on how to get it:

Ask someone you know who has a Paypal account to do what I'm doing for
friends. I'm actually collecting them personally from Beryl on Friday and
sending them on - normally she'll be doing the posting.

Get a group together and send a sterling cheque to cover all the copies and
postages and have them send to individual addresses - it'll be cheaper to
buy one cheque (at least it is here in places where there's a flat charge).

If anyone wants to take on distribution in other countries, I'm sure Beryl
would be happy to hear from you, but I stress - it's purely for charity and
not for profit."


Clay Blackwell

> [Original Message]
> From: peter greenway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 7/16/2004 4:50:33 AM
> Subject: [lace] Binche Pattern Pack by Margaret Maw
> I am looking for a copy of Margaret Maw's "Binche Pattern Pack".  Can
> tell me where I can get a copy and how much it will cost.
> Many thanks
> Margaret Greenway
> -
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