> "You do
> not have the time to go back and correct", he'd say. "Your children are
> at home, crying hungry", he'd say. "Every minute you make lace counts,
> as does every minute you spend undoing it", he'd say.
> Tamara P Duvall

My mother used to say: "Wo walks fast doesn't see it, who walks slow doesn't
look", is day dreaming she meant with the last. But I'm still able of
undoing up to 6 times the same part, though if I can invent a work-around
that isn't too vissible, I don't hesitate.
For example a forgotten twist in a halfstitch part: cut the wrong threads
with a tiny knot, pull back both very carefully, reknot while exchanging the
threads and pull in place.

Jo Falkink

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