We just put our  lace in a padded envelope, mark "doilies, handkies,
motifs," on the Customs forms  with "Gift", and "NCV" (No commercial Value)-
No mention of lace, and post it.  We do not Insure it - as I remember the
Chat from last year (or 18 months ago) about Insured postage going astray
more often than uninsured post.
If it looks insignificant then it will (Hopefully) get through.  Just don't
draw attention to it.  Here in Oz, the Post Office ask to see a Drivers
Licence, before they accept a parcel (Unless they know you well, - like my
P.O. does), and then put an orange security sticker on it - to show it does
not have any bombs, poisons, etc in it!!   I think all countries are
supposed to do that, but Oz is the only one that actually does comply!

As my friend who sends her lace away with mine, says, - the value cannot be
compensated for.  If it goes astray, - then she will just have to make more

from Liz in Melbourne, Oz,

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