Dear Devon  ‹‹  I love your quandary.  Shrug off all the nailbiters and the
obsessives, and all the experts too (!) and listen to Aurelia who has
actually stood up on museum stages and spoken as follows:

Rose Point:  Rohz Poynt
Point d'Angleterre: Poynt dahng-let-terrrrrr (yes, Poynt, that's right)
Gros Point:  Groh Poynt (see, we aren't French)
Point de Neige: Pwont de Nezh (we're still not French, but nevermind)
Chantilly:  Shan Tillie

Just in case Tonder creeps in, try "Turner," as we say in Baltimore

No dear heart, you will never sound like a boob no matter what you say
(didn't know boobs made sounds; just goes to show you)

Santina Levey? Who she?

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