In a message dated 9/3/2004 6:45:57 PM GMT Daylight Time, 

> Devon
>  who realizes that she doesn't even know how her own last name would be  
>  pronounced in the European country of its origin, Luxemburg.

Having lived for a number of years in Belgium -- to the point that I am 
assumed to be Belgian when I speak in France -- your name would be pronounced Tan--
the 'a' sound as in apple,  the n not pronounced at all.
In Belgium, Binche is pronounced with that same nasal sound.

I do name the French laces using the French pronunciation since I am 
reasonably certain of saying them correctly.   As far as other European laces, I do my 
best to learn the pronunciation from a native lacemaker.   Tonder is 
difficult for most of us, it seems to be more like tunner than anything else.
I don't think any of us should be discouraged from trying, or inconsiderate 
enough to criticize others who are undoubtedly doing their best.
Elaine Merritt
The Lace Museum
552 South Murphy Avenue
Sunnyvale CA 94086
Tel: 408 730 4695

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