Greetings Spidees and a big cheery welcome to Tracy.

Being a member of this group is a wonderful & comfortable place to learn, Tracy. I have collected lots of needed information from members. Please don't hesitate to ask questions, as you'll get lots of help. People here are just waiting to share their knowledge.

Question for the group. This question was birthed from the pronunciation thread. Is there a centralized location on-line that has the different lace names with their correct english pronunciations? If not, I'd be willing to compile a document if folks would email to me what they know to be correct, and then I could distribute to anyone who wants it.

Forgive my ignorance here, but I don't want to step on toes, so if we decide to do this, maybe we could pass it through our List Mom for suggestions and approval.

If this has already been done, disregard the above. GBG


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