In a message dated 9/29/2004 9:21:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,

And for  the needle-lace have a look to the designs
of Dagobert Peche from  Wiener-Werkstätten, this fantastic collars and
fans with the lillys of the  valley or the bellflowers
I would be interested to learn more about the lace designing activities of
Dagobert Peche. Is there a book where his designs are published?
Here in New York there is a German Expressionist museum and bookstore and I
have looked through books about Dagobert Peche and the Wiener-Werkstatten and
really never run across anything about his lace designing. Whether this is
because he did very little of it or because people who write books now a days
attach no importance to it, I do not know.

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