The fan I'm making at the moment is fairly small, and fits across the flattish top of an 18" cookie pillow. I can't get a pillow much larger than that, because it would strain my shoulders to reach it (I have short arms and injured shoulders!). The Kleinhout pillow has two pie-shaped movable suggestions, as you suggest, which would be ideal, but I suppose I'm thinking about flat, pie-shaped sections in the centre of a cookie pillow (with sloping sides).

A cone-shaped roller sounds intriguing, but I can't work out how you would make one, or how it would fit into an existing roller pillow. I don't suppose any supplier makes such a thing?

Annette, London

PS I heard about Mt St Helens on the news - I hope if it does erupt it isn't too serious. Are you very near?

Alice Howell wrote:

This brought two thoughts to my mind. First -- the recent discussion on patterns lifting from the pillow. One reason was the conflict of putting a flat pattern on a curved pillow. A fan is a flat item. For the lace to fit best, it seems like it should be made flat.

While I haven't (yet) made a fan (that class is coming next spring), I would think that the pattern would need to be worked on a flat surface as big as the fan. The bobbin area could be shaped to suit the bobbins and lacemaker. A small fan would fit easily on a cookie pillow. A larger fan may need a special pillow design. The cookie with the two or more pie-shaped movable sections is one solution.

The second area of thought was the cone shaped roller. Curved items can be made on a cone that has been fitted to the shape of the pattern. The cone can be inserted into a roller pillow, or a cut out section of a cookie pillow. The working surface stays at the optimum center of the pillow, and the bobbin surface would stay consistent.

A used roller pillow I acquired had a cone roller with it that the previous lacemaker had devised.

If a person plans to make only one fan, a usable pillow could be constructed out of builders foam. It doesn't last for extensive use, but works well for a short time.

When you all figure it out, let me know. I'll have to have a fan pillow next spring.

Alice in Oregon -- where we are waiting for the second eruption of Mt St Helens in a week. They think the next one will be bigger than last week.

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