Hi, all,

My home computer is in the shop having a brain transplant, so I'm only able to check 
my personal e-mail (briefly) at work. Thank-you, all, for your e-mails. I can't write 
individual replies because of time constraints but I appreciate your taking the time 
to write. 

Sylvia, the lace list is not for political debate. A sig is okay. A debate is not. So 
if you want to debate these issues with Tamara, it's best to take it to chat or, 
better yet, to private e-mail. I confess that Tamara's comments passed right over my 
head because I'm not American. I'm more concerned with suicide bombers than Bush's tax 

Tamara, please remember that this is an international list. Half the time when you 
post comments construed as 'political,' I haven't the foggiest idea what you're 
talking about. Your complaints about the Bush administration would, I think, be better 
directed to your closest friends or to an American-dominated list.

In the interests of list peace (I know feelings run high before elections over there), 
I am going to ask all of you to keep a lid on the political commentary for a while.

The next person who posts a political comment will get daily, excruciatingly detailed 
e-mails from me about candidates in the Maale Adumim municipal elections. ;-)

Best wishes,

in hot, sunny Israel

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