Dear Fellow Spiders,

    I just have to laugh at all the tales about "The Horror Kit". I bought
this kit right before I found a lace class. After this weekend class of
frustration at which I almost threw the teacher's pillow (a nice one) in a
nearby lake in frustration I went home determined to conquer the lace beastie.
As I only had THK I used it, after all to me it wasn't any worse than the
teacher's pillow! I successfully made the patterns in the kit and 20 years
later I'm still making lace (on GOOD pillows!) I even bought a second THK at a
sale which had bobbins that looked and worked considerably better . . . they
have real places for the thread & the second neck too! Still just as thick
    I've since covered "the boards" with fabric and use them to display lace.
In a pinch I lent one of the "pillows" & some of the better THK bobbins to a
lady who wanted to learn lacemaking but wanted to do it on her own. I gave her
one starter lesson and lent her my Eunice Arnold book as well. That was last
Spring and I haven't heard from her since or gotten back my stuff either! I'll
miss having Eunice to teach any other new students with but am very glad I
didn't lend her one of my good pillows and bobbins! I've only taught 2
students and both of them disappeared on me! Luckily the other student bought
her own pillow (one of the styrofoam ones) and actually took some paid lessons
from me! Don't know if I'm a poor teacher or just an unlucky with students!

Trish in West Virginia where the leave are pretty

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