I had to send a printed photo of some lace to the RMLG for reproducing in the Tina book.
We took the photo with our digital camera, and then went along to the camera store, and got it professionally printed by them, so I could post the prints to Denver ( from Melbourne, Oz), Zapping them through by email was not good enough for Cindy to print off at the other end. The photos I got printed, and then posted to her came out OK, and she was happy with them.
We are very happy with our digital camera - a Pentax 330. Our other camera is a Kodak Retinette - bought with my 21st birthday money - so is getting a bit ancient now (but we won't go into that!!!) , and it still takes perfect pictures - but unfortunately, not close-ups, so no good for lace pics!
from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, where I have just been to see Richard Gere in "Shall We Dance" - a great, fun movie!

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