Hello everybody,

due to never ending computer problems and very little time, I had to
unsubscribe from this list several months ago. Now the computer problems are
solved, hopefully, and the spare time - we will see. *gg*

Let me give you an intro of myself. I am German, living in the South-East of
Germany, married, 7 children (25 - 6yrs.), 3 of them still living at home,
the other distributed over Germany and Spain at present.

I am in the middle of doing a parttime training course of housekeeping or
domestic science. It will finish with an exam in June 2005. To keep up my
English I applied to be a kind of teacher or lecturer in a public adult
education centre (VHS). They accepted me again (after a break of many years)
and I started teaching in Sept. 2003. Of course I have to fit my DH,
schoolkids and the grown-up daughters into my schedule as well as my
I like to do bobbin lace, patchwork, sewing clothes, cross stitching, BW,
reading books, mailing. *gggg* As you may guess I have to rotate my hobbies

In the past I have enjoyed to take part in the Secret Sister rounds and the
Christmas Card exchanges. Is the Christmas Card exchange already on the go
for this season?

Looking foreward to be with you again,

Best regards from Martina
in German

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