In a message dated 27/11/2004 16:09:18 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I would add that I did not 
> have problems communicating in English in Belgium (but maybe that was 
> because 
> of the planning that went into the tour 

Not necessarily.  I have always been most impressed in Bruges at the way in 
which most shop staff eye up the customers as they approach and greet them in 
the correct language; English, French, German and Flemish basics seem to be 
considered normal for most people in contact with the public.  It really puts 
British "if they can't understand, just speak more slowly and loudly" 
attitude to shame.  Unfortunately, joining the EU hasn't seemed to make 
languages any more relevant to many people.

Jacquie, who can just about get by in present-tense French, but all the other 
tenses went missing somewhere.

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