Gentle Spiders,

So far, so good... There are 18 entries in the raffle - keep them coming. One of the entrants has sent me an URL where the stamp can be seen, so my cack-handedness with the "things 'puter" doesn't nmatter after all :)

See it at:

It's the light blue on white background one (now I want the other one, too <g>)

So far, so good... Many of you have sent prayers and good thoughts for my (almost) grandson and, for all I know, the concentrated goodwill might be working; according to today's report, he's about 5% better than he was yesterday - he's still on respirator and totally sedated (4th day), but his hemoglobin count has stopped dropping and has even perked up a bit.

It still worries me that nobody knows what's causing the symptoms; in a situation like that, any treatment, necessarily, has to be of the hit-or-miss variety, and what if they *miss*??? It doesn't help that, having risked a surgical procedure to collect samples, the hospital has sent them off to the "best in the country" diagnostic lab. Which happens to be a military one (ie government-sponsored) and on an extended holiday since Friday; won't re-open till Tuesday, because of the Presidents' Day (at least, the PO and the banks worked both Friday and Saturday, even if they also will be closed on Monday)...

Thanks, everyone, for the kind thoughts, and forgive me if I don't answer every message personally. True, I needed a distraction, but I got one :) DH woke me up at 3:30 AM today, with an ailing eye (pruned trees most of Saturday, siuspected a piece of dust). Refused to go to emergency - "people get things in their eyes all the time, and, anyway, it's middle of the night; don't want to trouble them for a non-emergency" - so both of us spent a wakeful night till 8:30, by which time he thought it might be OK to "trouble them"... We were "told off" for not showing up quicker - there's now some damage to the retina - and I've spent most of the day hunting up the prescribed drops (most pharmacies being closed for Sunday and one of the two which was open open out of the product) and then administering them every hour...

As they say in Polish: "jak nie urok, to sraczka" (if it's not an eveil eye, it's the trots)...

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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