Dear Lacemakers,

May I put in a word for the vendors who pay for advertisements in our various 
lace bulletins that are published by our various lace clubs?   These people 
are supporting the lace clubs and us by paying for these advertisements.  They 
make us aware they exist and can provide supplies.  For people having 
difficulty finding supplies - please join the lace group of your region or 
nation, and 
then support these vendors.

It is apparent this will be the foremost way supplies receive distribution in 
the world lace community from now on.  Being a supplier of quality lace 
products cannot put much food on the tables of vendors or even pay the electric 
bills of small lace museums that sell supplies, and yet they continue to go to 
the trouble of:

1.  Importing (quite a process) what we would like to have.  
2.  Coping with changing currencies of other nations.  
3.  Maintaining inventories (which translates to money tied up in those 
inventories that might be invested elsewhere for more profit).  
4.  Complying with complicated tax requirements.  
5.  Inconveniencing family members and friends, etc.  

All so we can obtain what we want (usually in-country).  Some have created 
web sites so we can see or read about what we are interested in ordering.  It 
really very labor-intensive for any profits they realize as lace suppliers.

When the opportunity arises, please thank your suppliers.  Tell them you 
appreciate their making supplies available in your country.  (You know, 
people are silently discouraged -- thanking them can make a big difference.  
Frequent expressions of appreciation may mean the difference between their 
staying in business or giving up.)

Kind regards,

Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace & Embroidery Resource Center

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