
In France, we have a specialist of Burano and Venice needlelace. Her name is Brigitte Lenormand and she learned with her great mother.
She made a book last years only in french : http://www.amazon.fr/exec/obidos/ASIN/2283585678/qid%3D1109930923/171-2539165-5014655

She took her great mother name : Laura Masera.

Dentellez bien

Sof from France with snow again


I have just taken a picture of a lace pillow I made after my trip to Venice and Burano some years ago. We see pictures of bobbin lace pillows everywhere, but I've only found one other needle lace pillow pictured (on Lori's site--where else!).

This one is an accurate reproduction of the actual working lace pillows used by the lacemakers in Venice and has a pattern pinned to it which I got at Lidia's in Burano.

If anyone is interested, let me know, and I'll email the picture to you. I've sent it to the Professor, and it may end up on his site as well.

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