In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Carol Adkinson
> at least by copying the pattern, one doesn't have to waste umpteen
>pieces of card just to get the ink markings correct!   

I use Typex if I make a mistake - alternatively go over the mistake with
another colour pen - and mostly I only mark about one pattern repeat,
and any really necessary bits, rather than the whole pattern, so it is
very rare I have to give up completely and start again.

Yesterday I went to our local Age Concern Day Centre to give a talk on
lace - and I think I ended up learning as much as they did - one of the
ladies used to work in one of the lace factories in Nottingham - a huge
flatbed machine from her indication of how far down the room it would
have reached - she said there were 40 people working to each machine,
and it was very hard work. They ended the day with blisters on their
feet and many cuts on their fingers, as they had to pull hard on the
threads. Both she and her husband worked there. She said that the
foreman was always complaining if they were not pulling their weight (ie
doing as much as the others) - and if they were not up to the job, they
were out. She had started her working life at age 14, turning saucepans
from rods of metal. It was quite fascinating talking to her. Today I'm
ready to go off for the weekend - teaching a group of my students, and
two absolute beginners, (the woman who was sitting next to me on a
Calligraphy course in December, and her mother) at a residential college
for the weekend. The main group will be looking at how to use and
manipulate colour (the more simple methods), so it will be interesting
to see what they come up with. At least if we get snowed in we will have
our lace with us! (Just looked out of the window to see how wet it is -
we've had a little sleet this morning - and there is a wren pecking
round quite near to the house!)

Jane Partridge

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