Greetings All,

I want to thank everyone who so kindly responded to my post (both on and off list) about which bobbins to use for milanese. I've gone to lots of sites to look at pictures as well.

I got some really good suggestions, and as I suspected with a list this size, folks are using several different kinds, but you've all helped me narrow my scope. Most people who responded like continentals for milanese.

I don't use spangled east midlands (I have 3 but have never gotten used to them.) Spangled midlands are so beautiful, but... I am impressed with how many use them even with sewings.

I use my mechlins (flanders) for doing Brugges, and I like them for sewings, but while I'm learning the different tapes for milanese, I've decided I don't want to fuss with rolling bobbins. So, I'm leaning towards the international squares. I bought some of the very fancy square bobbins when I first started out, but I don't like them at all for sewings.

Tamara has kindly offered me some to try. Thank you Tamara! (I've emailed you off list about it.) Lots of lacemakers have good things to say about the international squares - they're smooth, don't roll and have a double head. I like that they're a bit pointed on the end, too.

So, there's my report back, and I'll update you on how I do with them. I'm very excited about learning milanese - I've seen some finished pieces by list members that are soooooo beautiful! I hope I can do as well one day.

Thanks again!


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