From: Jean Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>1. Would I need something to prove that I have a steel knee joint?  

 Nah, they'll check you carefully and may look for the operation scar, but if 
you're concerned, just get your doctor to write a note on his letterhead that 
you have one.  

>2. What would be the reaction at US customs (or even the airlines) to me 
>carrying 11 different prescription drugs? 
 The last time we were in England, it was for 3 months so I had to take lots of 
medications 'cause I require many prescriptions - I had a special small bag - 
sort of a big purse with medications, prescriptions, and medical info such as 
doctor's name, diagnosis, etc. (we nurses are sticklers for detail)
Be sure all your medication is in its proper prescription bottle and any OTC 
(over the counter) drugs are in their original containers.  Have a paper copy 
of the prescriptions on your person.  Carry all drugs in carry on baggage.

>3. Would I get travel insurance - I understand my only hopes would be Saga
or Age Concern ( or it might be Help the Aged)?

 When our relatives and friends come from England, they always get a health 
insurance policy from their travel agency.  It is relatively inexpensive, so 
I'm told, and should you get ill and require medical treatment in the USA, it 
is VERY expensive.  And it is possible that one may not be allowed to leave the 
US if a bill is owed.

>They're just the more sensible questions, so in the end I decided that it was 
>just too much hassle (at least in my mind) and I'm not going.

Aw come on Jean, I will be looking forward to meeting you!  Go for it, Girl! It 
won't be difficult, you'll see!

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann Rice in Roanoke Virginia USA

Jean in Poole

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