Tamara (or someone else - I got lost in the string) wrote:

> Join us in the lobby in the morning... :) We'll make lace (to catch up 
> on classes), yammer (to catch up on friendships), shop (to catch the 
> vendor room when it ain't mobbed and see what's new. As good a way to 
> part with money as a tour <g>), have lunch and dinner (supper) 
> together... So far, there's Alice (Howell), Clay (Blackwell), Janice 
> (Blair) and me (if I get my classes and come at all <g>) - none of us 
> are taking the tour, and neither I nor Alice are planning on attending 
> the Western BBQ, either. Any and every one who's not taking the day's 
> tour (Arachneans and not, so pass the word among friends) is invited to 
> this "informal event" <g>

Add me to the list... I'm not taking a tour on wednesday or going to the

Beth McCasland
Metairie, Louisiana, USA
where it's warm, muggy, and raining.  Ah, spring!

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