With videos available in different formats for different regions of the
world, there doesn't yet seem to be any movement of lace instruction to DVD,
which would solve an awful lot of problems.

The UK at least is moving very rapidly towards total digital TV - I think
the analogue signal is due to be turned off in about 6-8 years time. At the
moment we can only record a digital broadcast channel while watching it -
there'd need to be a second decoder to watch one digital channel and record

Already many people have got rid of their video recorder/players (and the
video tapes) and have replaced them with DVD recorders. At the moment we
have a video recorder/player and a region 2 DVD player only (which we've had
for some time). But now multi-region players are extremely cheap - under GBP
50. Recorders are a bit more expensive, but getting cheaper all the time. We
intend to keep one video recorder/player in view of the number of
educational/instructional videos we have that probably won't be re-issued in

Jean in Poole

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