At 03:08 AM 4/1/2005, you wrote:
We have tried extra
hitches, which works until one wants to lengthen the threads, winding the
'wrong' way ie. counter clockwise, and whatever the rest of the class
suggests but - no joy....Can I prevail upon you all to give some answers to this?

First, hitching over the thread and not on the double top  can hold better.

Second, have you tried a double loop on the hitch -- not double hitches? In the previous instructions, it said to loop the thread around the finger and then slide the loop over the head of the bobbin. Try wrapping the thread twice around the finger before putting on the bobbin. It's not two hitches, but a double loop on one hitch. This is used by some of my friends all the time.

Third -have you tried drinking staws? Cut a piece of plastic straw so it will fit the thread area of the bobbin, slit it lengthwise, push it over the wound thread and hitch.

How long a leash does this person use? Having too long a leash can give too much slack to the leash and allow the hitch to loosen. An old book I have said the leash should be the length of the bobbin.

Check the amount of thread on the bobbin. A very full bobbin will come undone more than a partially full bobbin. I had a student who wound the bobbins to the very limit, then chased bobbins frequently.

Maybe one of these will help.
Alice in Oregon -- who finished winding 139 pair of bobbins last night.  Whew!

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