I too only have good things to say about this thread. I have a piece of Bucks Point that has been on the pillow for about a year now. As I have decided that I am not likely to get to finish it I decided last week to cut it off. This pillow with at least 150 pairs on it has been stored (very badly in my cupboard for at least the last 8 months, during which time, thinks have been dumped on it and it has been tipped over at least twice. When I went to cut it off there were only 2 broken threads out of all those bobbins on the pillow. This thread is a 100 or a 120 I think, certainly no thicker than that.

A good testament to the threads strength in my opinion.

Now back home after a wonderful trip to Brugge. Thank you so much for all the tips of places to visit. Especially Milada who emailed me a whole A4 sheet of information. We had a lovely time visiting all those places that you recommended.

On 21 Apr 2005, at 10:36 pm, Antje González wrote:

Hello all,
As a Finca user and Spanish lacer at the same time, I want to make my
comments about Finca's threads. I also think that Elizabeths's friend has
been very unfortunate to get this bad reel of Finca. But this is really not
the normal thing to happen. I have been using Finca for many years (8 or 9
to be more precise) and I have never had any problems. I have especially
used number 30, 40 and 50. Also the result of this thread after washing is
not bad, although there are other threads which I like more, as I have said
some other time. But this is just a matter of taste. I have never found
thread in bad condition, nor knots nor anything. Perhaps your friend should
give Finca another oportunity!
Many greetings from
Antje González, in Guadalajara, Spain

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