While googling 'holland lace', I found this. Enjoy.
Lucie DuFresne
Ottawa Canada

Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. (1833–1908).  An American Anthology,
1787–1900.  1900.

758. Old Flemish Lace
By Amelia Walstien Carpenter

A LONG, rich breadth of Holland lace,
  A window by a Flemish sea;
Huge men go by with mighty pace,—
  Great Anne was Queen these days, may be,
  And strange ships prowled for spoil the sea—          5
        For you—old lace!

Stitch after stitch enwrought with grace,
  The mist falls cold on Zuyder-Zee;
The silver tankards hang in place
  Along the wall; across her knee               10
Dame Snuyder spreads her square of lace,
        A veil—for me?

The Holland dames put by their lace,
  The bells of Bruges ring out in glee;
The mill-wheels move in sluggish race:—         15
  Farewell, sweet bells! Then down the sea
The slow ship brings the bridal grace—
        The veil—for me!

Manhattan shores—a New World place,
  The Pinxter-blows their sweetest be:          20
And now—come close, O love-bright face—
  Bend low—…
            Nay, not old Trinity,
To Olde Sainte Marke’s i’ the Bowerie,
        Dear Hal,—with thee!            25

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