Hello everyone - I apologize if you get this more than once as I've
cross posted to reach as many seasoned lace makers as I can..
I've already confessed that I ordered "the kit from hell" and I would
like to know where is the best place in the US (preferably local to CA
if possible) to get more thread as I've used what came with the kit.  I
would like to order more - do I need special thread designed
specifically for lace or can I use something I can get locally?  Is
there some other thread I can use?  The kind for cross stitch maybe?  Or
that thin crochet thread stuff (or is that too thick?)?
So far I'm doing well.  I finally made my first "bookmark" piece
(torchon with spider) and I am very proud!  :-)  I would like to learn
the few other patterns in the booklet but I'm out of thread.  WAAHHH!!!
I was in the Bay Area the last 2 weekends but never did get to the Lace
Museum in Sunnyvale <pout>.  I do intend to visit there eventually and
perhaps will schedule it so I can take a class there or meet up with
people in that area.  When I mentioned to my friend I wanted to go to
the Lace Museum - she said "I could get into that" until I sent the link
and she realized it wasn't lace as in lingerie.  Heehee  
Anyway.any suggestions on the thread would be great.  I know I can get
it through lacis.com - I suspect that's the best place? What thread
should I get though?  
I think it's time for me to shop for books outside the pamphlet I got
with the kit..
Thanks in advance!  :-)
Many Blessings,
AIM: areannaroisin, YAHOO: sheradiates
"Who will share in the faith that we are the sum of the choices we
~  Gypsy Soul from the song "Who"

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