On May 27, 2005, at 22:41, Lynn Carpenter wrote:

It is a giggle to me that lace needle gauges are so expensive compared to "regular" knitting needle gauges. Smaller holes are apparently much more
expensive than big ones! :)

No kiddin'! :) When I was still in my doll-house (1:12 scale) mode (pre-lace), it was cheaper for me to buy a set of 15-or-so, all different sizes, but all less-than-1/16" *drill bits*, than to buy a 20-hole gauge (a piece of plastic with pre-drilled, identified as to size, holes)...

1/16" drill bit is the smallest size available at Walmart (my personal gauge for "commonly available") as a single bit. Anything smaller than that has to be bought in sets, from specialised sources (not Walmart), at a much higher price per bit. But, high as that price might be, it's *still* lower than the price of the less-that 1/16" *holes* <VBG

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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