
Carol Adkinson is correct in saying that our daughter Pamela gained the
Lacemakers' Badge in the Girl Guides. It was during the time that Pam was
working for this particular badge that the Girl Guide movement decided to
up-date their proficiency badge manual and this was one they decided had no
interest to the Guides - how wrong they were!

It took a lot of tracking down by our local badge secretary to find this
particular badge, an appeal went to all badge secretaries to look to see if
they had one, one was finally found - I believe in the Shetland Islands!  It
is rather an insignificant badge, it looks more like a bell tent than a lace
hanky being picked up by the centre of the material! and Pam has still got
it, she made a poncho and sewed all her badges onto it and used it when she
was a Young Leader in the Girl Guides when they went to camp around the camp

Pam had her photograph in the local paper when she gained her Queen's Guide
and also her photograph was in the :Lace Guild's 'Lace' - we still have the
photograph so will get it up on Roseground's web pages this week for all of
you to see her.

Pam went on to gain her Queen's Guide award - completing all the
requirements only days before her 16th birthday, a long time ago now, her
daughter Bethany - who is also a lacemaker age 6 is in Rainbows and her son
Matthew is in Cubs.

Pam has just told me that there was a Lacemaker's badge on E-Bay which sold
for 15.00GBP!

Pat Hallam
Nottingham, UK
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