Hi Alice, et al,

I heartily agree about the speediness of lace - or lack thereof!

When I was teaching textiles at a local private school, I ran a Lace Club
after school, which was very popular (but maybe the biscuits and drinks had
something to do with that ...) and the children, aged from about six/seven
years, were very enthusiastic.   But what used to annoy me intensely was the
parent or guardian who would come in, glance at the lace made, and then say
very disparagingly "Oooh - is that *all* you've done tonight."   Being a
private school, they were paying a lot for the privilege of their children
attending all the extra-curricular classes, so maybe they measured the
success of each class by the mileage made, goals scored, chords learned

I still tell my students - children and adults - that it is excellence we
are aiming for, *not* yardage!

Carol - in Suffolk UK - hot and sunny, with a little more breeze than
yesterday.  The thunder storms haven't arrived here, but my thoughts are
with those in Yorkshire who were flooded over the weekend.

> Before you get too bothered, remember a couple things.  One -- when you do
> a familliar pattern over and over, the speed improves.

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