Dear Gentle Spiders,

Having just read Aurelia's posting about demonstrating Wednesday at the BMA and her delight at having "wonderful, marvelous 8-year-olds" watch them. My 11 year old granddaughter (more about her below) will demonstrate with me at the Wilderness Road Museum in Dublin, Virginia on July 3 rd. The 9 year old will have the day with PaPa - she is not that interested in bobbin lace.

I gave my first lace lesson yesterday to the daughter of an acquaintance. Rachel saw my lace pillows sitting in the living room when her Mom stopped by last week to leave me a book, and was fascinated. I showed her how the bobbins work, and she wanted to learn. Rachel began her bracelet yesterday, and took it home with her to work on. So what if she screws up stitches? She'll learn how to move bobbins, and she is using her favorite colors. I'll see her the first of the week again. Youngsters are the best students! Besides I have my two granddaughters from Macon, GA visiting and even though they have made Christine's snake, they enjoyed making bracelets with Rachel. Move fun next Monday!

Several years ago I made up a bracelet pattern, very simple CTCT using 6 pr. of Perle cotton, pins in the middle and each side. I did this for a day camp at our local History Museum and it was very popular. The children finished their bracelets in the week, and I find that this pattern works well before they start "The Snake."

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke Virginia USA

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