Hi everyone

If you can't get the WHall threads, Mettler 60/2 is reasonably 'fine' (the
term is relative - quite fine for machine sewing, fine enough for
Buckspoint <g>) - and comes in many colours. The best way to use mulitple
colours in Bucks, and avoid random crisscrossing or too much thread
fiddling - do honeycomb sts rather than the diagonal ground.
Go here to see a nice picture:
and if you can obtain a copy of Colour: What Now, for more info on
colour in Buckspoint, so much the better ;)

For thread junkies, if all you have to work with are the Heirloom threads
from YLI, a tip I just learned from Jeri on a somewhat unrelated thread
topic (rayon I think, yes?) - run the thread through a damp cloth before
winding onto the bobbin (allow a minute for it to dry, maybe do this on a
dry - as in weather - day). One pass removes most of the starch! Actually
I haven't tried this with YLI, but I did experiment with a stiff
variegated thread for serging, voila the stiffness disappeared and I had a
pleasantly pliable strand for lace :))

bye for now
Bev in Sooke, BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)
Cdn. floral bobbins

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