Dear all -- With apologies to Felix Mendelssohn for the title of the above Subject, I need some help on that voyage! As everybody who has talked to me for the last month or two knows, I have been making a fan leaf for the wonderful set of fan-sticks made for me long ago by John Brooker. My idea was (is) to make a BL net background appliqué with fern motifs done in needle lace. A couple of NL motifs being done and turned out OK, I set to work on the net, using a logarithmic grid, gold-metallic thread (hateful stuff, but beautiful -- what can you do?), and what I thought was Dieppe ground. Floated happily along on that gorgeous calm logarithmic sea till about halfway through the leaf, and it suddenly came over me that was I ABSOLUTELY SURE that I was doing Dieppe ground?
Beautiful it was, but was it Dieppe? Did it matter? Of course it mattered!

Ran to Sally Johansen in a panic, and lo and behold, sure enough, it wasn't Dieppe ground. It is a beautiful net, but WHAT IS IT? I am doing CTC-pin-CT.


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