Dear Spiders,

Before I comment on the window lace I want to add my prayers and thoughts to those in London. My heart is so sad.

You all have very good ideas. I like the one of mixing the lace and maybe doing the trails and leaves in bobbin lace and some of the flowers in tatting. I am going to try the heavy starched tatting idea and see if it works. If I did tight tatting then if I starched it and put it up, when I move or if it gets terribly dusty I could put it in the washing machine and wash out the starch and dirt and then redo the starch when I get to a new home. I hope I don't move for at least 5 more years.

I don't want to do traditional lace in the window like lace curtains. I have that in all the bathrooms and the living room. This window looks out on the back yard of dogs and sons and husbands so I thought I could do something different.

I have never tried wire lace so I think I will try heavy cotton and see what happens. I will take pictures and get back with you. Please don't expect it next week. I am slower than that.

What weight of cotton thread or string would be best? I like the idea of rolling the string up and not using a shuttle. Maybe I could get my husband to carve me a huge shuttle?

Good thoughts.
Karisse in hot central Texas, where it did manage to rain after 4 weeks of heat.
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