Hi All!
I got back from the IOLI convention and I had the most WONDERFUL  time!  I 
kept looking around at all the stuff the RMLG (Rocky Mountain Lace  Guild) were 
doing to keep everything running smoothly and I was really  impressed!  On 
Sunday night, they had the Pajama party.  There were  some super imaginative 
get-ups that night!  I don't know her name, but  there was one lady with what 
looked like an authentic nightgown and lace  cap.  SIGH!!
When we checked in, we got a fancy badge holder plus a zipper tote  bag.  I 
proceeded to live out of those two items for the week.  I  could stick my room 
card and however much money I was allowing myself in the  badge holder, and 
class books and supplies in the tote bag.  Do you know  that I simply locked up 
my purse and did not miss it at all?  Considering  how much stuff one would 
need to carry to class, it was quite a load off my  shoulders!
The classes that I took were really well set up and the teachers quite  
knowledgeable.  I took Bobbin Lace with Wire from Carolyn Regnier in the  
and got to sit in on the Lier Lace Class with Greet Rome-Verbeylen in  the 
afternoon.  I thoroughly enjoyed both classes, and think I learned a  lot.
The arachne lunch was a blast, and it was great finally being able to put  
faces to e-names.   I must admit, I really loved all the goodies we  would get 
during the week.  There were about four meals included in the  registration 
fee, and my roommates and I had bought some snacks along so we did  not need to 
waste money on meals, when we could spend it on more important  things.  (Like 
lace books and bobbins!)
There were no classes on Wednesday, so we visited some of Rebecca's  Colorado 
friends, it started raining in the afternoon, but I don't know if that  
interferred with the IOLI plans or not.  It proceeded to rain most of the  
and the next morning.  But as we were doing lace, I don't think  anyone minded!
The grand Banquet on Friday night was a ton of fun!  People were  wearing all 
sorts of lace, either projects they completed in classes, or antique  lace.  
More Sighing!
All in all, I had a great time, and I thank the RMLG for the tons of work  
they put in to make the convention a success!
Bless you all!
JoAnne Pruitt

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