Dear Eva,

This isn't exactly lace, but as you have offered your comments ...

As one American, I thank you for your kind words.  I personally feel very
upset at the apparent lack of planning and urgency in responding to the
growing crisis -- especially on our federal level.  And news about the
offers of international aid, and reluctance of our government to accept, was
burried deep in our Boston newspaper -- so I think most people don't even
know that we could have the use of extra helicopters, for instance, from
Canada.  Many countries have offered resources.  Meanwhile, people have no
water, no waste facilities, no food, and are stranded in 90+ degree heat.

Mr. Trittin's words aren't known to most people -- I hadn't seen a whisper
of it and had to search on line.  I have to say that although his words are
harsh, and his timing is not good,  similar things are being uttered by
Americans here -- just tempered by a lot of sympathy and dismay.  We do need
to confront reality, and it **is** going to be painful.


Carolyn Hastings
Stow, MA USA 

> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Eva Von Der Bey
> Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 3:13 AM
> Subject: [lace] katrina
> Dear people in Louisiana, Missisippi, Alabama, from suffering 
> New Orleans and destroyed Biloxy, my heart and thoughts are 
> with you. I still remember my sister shoveling sand in 
> flooded Dresden only three years ago, trying in vane to 
> defend a school against the water, leaving the city at the 
> last possible moment with husband and two children, wading
> beside the car over the flooded bridge to find where the road was.   
> But this, and the drowned valleys in bavaria, austria and 
> switzerland were nothing against what you suffer. How 
> dreadful sad, and even sader that those who help are in 
> danger from  the mob, from those who try to get a personal 
> advantage from such a desaster. I hope you get help, hope 
> your President is strong enough to accept foreign help 
> (generators, helicopters, whatever might be useful). Most of 
> our today's newspapers found harsh words about Mr Trittin's 
> really disgusting comments. In this moment, it's absolutly 
> unimportend wether he might be right or wrong or whatever. 
> It's just not the time for anything besides solidarity, 
> grief, and help where possible. Like the newspapers and 
> myself, most of my friends and collegueas are ashamed of this 
> politician (not for the first time). We are sad about so many 
> lost lifes and destroyed homes and broken dreams. In our 
> plant in Mobile, Alabama, no collegueas are missing, but some 
> lost their homes, afak. The company doubles every donation 
> from employees (as was done after the tsunami in december). 
> Money can't substitute anything lost. Only perhaps prevent 
> further losses. Please, don't mistake the lousy words of one 
> bad politician for the large majority of a country or a 
> continent. In one world, such a tragedy has a meaning for 
> all. So sorry for all who suffer, from hurrican and too much 
> water, or too little water and food elsewhere. Eva, from Germany
> -
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