Hi All,  I have a question at the end that isn't quite lace so I'll start
off with the fact that Diane Willett, knitted lace editor for the IOLI
Bulletin, was my roommate in Denver.  I got to see the beautiful pieces of
lace she has knitted including a gorgeous doily with a butterfly in the
center.  I think that was the big winner for a previous IOLI competition.  I
also got to see some of the samplers she has her class make.  She taught
classes in knitted lace and color in knitted lace.  She has the same comment
I have about Battenberg, to paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield - knitted lace
don't get no respect <G>.  I also got to see the gift Pene Piip brought her
from Estonia!

The not quite lacy thing is that I got a knitting needle/crochet hook
holder.  It's fabric (something I think of as Rep though I may be wrong) and
has a label that says it's a Sara Hadley needlecase.  She takes credit for
creating Battenberg lace so that's why I bid on it.  Anyway, there are many,
many knitting needles of all sizes including lots of steel ones.  Also a
bone crochet hook!  (Maybe two)  What I would like more information on is
four knitting needles 6-5/8" long (17cm) and 1/8" (3cm) wide.  The main
color is ecru and they each have a red and a blue end.  The color is on the
last inch (2.5cm) of the tips.
I tried Googling for more information but got about two million websites.
There are new needles/hooks in the case but some older.
I like the needles with little plastic mushroom caps on them <G>.

Time to go start dinner.  For the lace chatters - there are no mushrooms
involved <G>.

Jane in Vermont, USA where we got an inch of snow (2.5cm), I'm glad I can
think of all of you Downunder having summer!

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