It has been some time since the lovely sparkling spider arrived in my mailbox all the way from England, thanks to Pauline and the gods who decide who wins drawings. I had of course written my thanks to Pauline and had sent Arachne my delight at such an unexpected gift.

Then odd things happened. I couldn't find a couple of important Professor-related postings, so I wrote Avital to see if they had appeared. She did a careful search, found nothing, and suggested that I go into my Mail folders and see what might be lurking. She was right, of course: there were four unsent emails, one thanking Pauline for the spider and another the missing posting telling you all how delighted I was to receive such an unexpected present.

For some reason, the computer had decided that it didn't want to work that day (even Macs have off days!) and all my efforts had gone for naught. Well, it's all sorted out now, and I just want everyone to be sure to know that the beautiful sparkly spider has an honored spot on my beret and that I am very grateful indeed for Pauline's generosity.

We are all so lucky to have Arachne to brighten our lives. Thanks, Avital, for clearing up the mystery. And thanks, Pauline, for thinking of me.

Tess in wintry Maine ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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