Dearest spiders and especially Carol in Salem, Oregon, USA,
Today the mailman brought a beautiful Torchon Christmas ornament with a
little dove charm.  The package only took 7 days to get here - I was so
afraid it would get lost, as I'm learning other things are getting lost in
transit.  (in all fairness, the Postal Service is doing pretty good.  The
commercial shippers are way behind).  Anyway... the ornament is green
sparkly thread, kind of a circle with the little dove in the center, and
CLEAN!!  Since I don't own a digital camera, I'll take it to the office and
get a picture of it there.

cleanliness - nothing disparaging against Carol, my other ornaments were
rather nasty thanks to evil roaches.  And I get excited over any little bit
of good news these days.

Beth McCasland
in the suburbs of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
where we had spring-like weather today

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