Hello Anne, and fellow lacemakers!

A very special delivery today at our house! It travelled all the way from Hanworth (12 mi. from central London) to my home on Vancouver Island - situated along the west coast of Canada.

Anne Nicholas thank you very much - in fact *Thank You X's 60* which is once for every leaf in that beautiful Bedforshire lace snowflake!! It is exquisite! And the gold wire incorporated in the trail sparkles so nicely.... also adding integrity so it will dangle from the tree branch as if it were floating in air. :-)

Anne mounted the snowflake on a black card with gold sticker stars around it - the whole effect brings to my mind a night-time scene from my childhood in eastern Canada, where, on a calm night, we would walk outdoors watching the big, fat snowflakes floating down in the streetlights. It's beautiful Anne, and to think of you working hours over your pillow making a card for a *stranger* across the seas! It is so generous of you, and I thank you sincerely.

Anne also printed off some pages from a website with photos and history of the Feltham and Hanworth area! What a great idea and I really enjoyed the glimpse of your 'place' in the universe!

sending best wishes to all reading, for a joyful season shared with friends and family.....

Nova (in Courtenay B.C. where we are presently lacking snow outdoors - but I have my snowflake inside with me!)

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