Besides, the bad guy in the Harry Potter books is Voldemort :D

Dorte Tennison wrote:

Valdemar is a commen danish name for the royal, as far as I remember at this time in the night, there were 2 kings at that name here i Denmark, long time ago, The first name is allways after the grandfather, so it will be either Frederik ore Christian, his father is Frederik, the next in line is Quine Magrethe, but if she was a boy, it would be Christian, the great gand father is again Frederik, then Valdemar, also a royal name, Herni after his fathers father, John after his mothers father.
Dorte from Denmark

"Avril" wrote ...he will be known as Christian, Valdemar, Henri, John"

One thought went through my head when I saw the names "I bet they haven't
read or seen Harry Potter - calling the baby Valdemar"

Malvary in Ottawa

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