On Feb 1, 2006, at 18:25, Steph Peters wrote:

The pillow affects the tone as well.

Does it _ever_!!! I have a home-made roller pillow which is excellent in almost every respect _except_ the sound; it's drum, drum, drum, as the bobbins bounce off of it. Sounds like heavy rain on a tin roof and I hate it. The Toustou roller doesn't have that hateful sound, but I like it less than the home-made in all other respects... One more reason to avoid making yardage :)

The sound of bobbins clicking on a non-percussive pillow... My favourite are (or used to be; I don't have any of my T-squares in bone and T-squares are what I now use, exclusively) bone ones, without spangles; I like their feel in the hand also. For second choice it would be a tie between olive and and ebony.

To go back to Linda's original question about being able to determine the pattern by the melody of the "bobbin-song"... Not on my pillow :) I'm far too slow to be regular enough, even on a pattern with repeats which I know fairly well (and I make very few of those)

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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