I wrote:
>Book drawing for a new book:
>Reconstructing Old Lace - Experiences from a Workshop by Heike
>Beckers-Hartl, Maria Kilian and Claudia Schuster.  English translation by
>Eva von der Bey, with a bit of assistance from me.
>The book has just been published in time for the Deutsche Kloeppelverband
>Kongress in April.  Retail price 20 Euros.

Bad form to reply to myself, but several entrants have asked where to get
the book.  It has literally just come off the presses, so suppliers may not
have it yet.  The book can be ordered direct from the authors at:
Money can't buy everything. That's what credit cards are for.
Tatting, lace & stitching page <http://www.sandbenders.demon.co.uk/index.htm>

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