Don't know whether this will help anyone but: I have a distant
recollection of attending a lace day when Santina Levy was giving a talk
(probably in the late 80's/early 90's). The subject of cleaning
(old) lace was covered and I remember that the use of natural saponins
was recommended and that Horse chestnuts were a source (as are many other
plant materials). Can't remember how the saponin was extracted but
remember the recommendation of small peices of lace being cleaned
by being immersed in a jam jar of the saponin solution and being gently
agitated, then rinsed off etc. and blocked out to dry on e.g. blotting
paper covered board. Larger pieces were attached to a backing fabric
before cleaning and immersed in a bowl etc. This links to an article on
Funny how things stick in the mind to resurface later. All the best
Andrea Lamble in a rather dull and gloomy Cambridge.


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